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Chic Girl Style Chic Girl Style Chic Girl Style

Chic Girl Style
Design, Custom CMS,

At twelve years old I picked up my first fashion magazine, YM (today's version of Teen Vogue), and couldn't put it down. I read my first issue cover to cover at least three times and I was hooked! Subscriptions to YM, Teen and Seventeen abruptly followed and later Vogue, InStyle, Elle, Bazaar etc. Now almost thirty with eighteen years of study and travel under my ""H belt"" one might say I am a connoisseur of fashion. While I'm certainly no Anna Wintour, fashion and style are my prominent passions. Fashion is a huge part of my lifestyle and I spent my early college years devising ways to someday afford the designer names, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermés etc. I so longed for and to have the ability to visit top fashion cities around the world.